Release Primal Fear in HD Video
Now you can download full Primal Fear in best video format with duration 129 Min and has been launched in 1996-04-03 with MPAA rating is 137.- Original Title : Primal Fear
- Movie title in your country : Primal Fear
- Year of movie : 1996
- Genres of movie : Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1996-04-03
- Companies of movie : Paramount Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English, EspaƱol,
- Durationof movie : 129 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.3
- Youtube ID of movie : PnmTi7hSjrA
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,PT,TR,IT,FR,RU,ZH,ES,PL,HU,SV,NL,DA,CS,EL,
- Cast of movie :Richard Gere (Martin Vail), Edward Norton (Aaron Stampler), Laura Linney (Janet Venable), John Mahoney (John Shaughnessy), Frances McDormand (Dr. Molly Arrington), Terry O'Quinn (Bud Yancy), Andre Braugher (Tommy Goodman), Steven Bauer (Joey Pinero), Joe Spano (Captain Abel Stenner), Tony Plana (Martinez), Alfre Woodard (Richterin Miriam Shoat), Maura Tierney (Naomi Chance)
Movie synopsis of Primal Fear :
Watch full Primal Fear in Top Quality with movie plot "An arrogant, high-powered attorney takes on the case of a poor altar boy found running away from the scene of the grisly murder of the bishop who has taken him in. The case gets a lot more complex when the accused reveals that there may or may not have been a 3rd person in the room. The intensity builds when a surprise twist alters everyone's perception of the crime and what happens next..." in top video format. Play full Primal Fear in HD Quality by viewing the download link.
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Director : Gregory Hoblit, Novel : William Diehl, Screenplay : Steve Shagan, Screenplay : Ann Biderman, Director of Photography : Michael Chapman, Editor : David Rosenbloom, Original Music Composer : James Newton Howard
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Tags: corruption, bishop, court case, pornographic video, court, psychopathy,
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