Full M in HD Video
Now you can watch full M in HD quality with duration 117 Min and has been aired on 1931-05-11 with MPAA rating is 112.- Original Title : M
- Movie title in your country : M
- Year of movie : 1931
- Genres of movie : Drama, Action, Thriller, Crime,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1931-05-11
- Companies of movie : Neuro-Film AG,
- Countries of movie : Germany,
- Language of movie : Deutsch,
- Durationof movie : 117 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.8
- Youtube ID of movie : d1344KFFpRo
- Translation of movie : EN,EN,DE,IT,FR,PT,RU,ES,CS,PL,TR,ZH,EL,HU,NL,BG,
- Actors of movie :Peter Lorre (Hans Beckert), Ellen Widmann (Frau Beckmann), Inge Landgut (Elsie Beckmann), Otto Wernicke (Inspector Karl Lohmann), Theodor Loos (Inspector Groeber), Gustaf Gründgens (Schränker), Friedrich Gnaß (Franz, der Dieb), Fritz Odemar (Falschspieler), Paul Kemp (Taschendieb), Theo Lingen (Bauernfänger), Gerhard Bienert (Kriminalsekretär)
Movie summary of M :
Play full M in HD Format with movie synopsis "A psychotic child murderer stalks a city. Despite an exhaustive investigation fueled by public hysteria and outcry, the police have been unable to find him. The police crackdown makes it nearly impossible for the organized criminal underground to operate. The criminals decide that the only way to get the police off their backs is to catch the murderer themselves." in HD quality. Full Length of M in Best Video Format by viewing the download link.
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Director : Fritz Lang, Screenplay : Fritz Lang, Screenplay : Thea von Harbou, Director of Photography : Fritz Arno Wagner, Editor : Paul Falkenberg, Art Direction : Emil Hasler, Art Direction : Karl Vollbrecht, Sound Designer : Adolf Jansen, Producer : Seymour Nebenzal
Yes, now you can view movie associated with M 100 % length and get the hyperlink to this motion picture M in High Quality Video.
Tags: germany, berlin, underworld, child murderer, detective inspector, organized crime, criminal,
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