Full Length of 21 Grams in Best Quality
Now you can play full 21 Grams in High Quality Video with duration 124 Min and was released on 2003-11-21 with MPAA rating is 273.- Original Title : 21 Grams
- Movie title in your country : 21 Grams
- Year of movie : 2003
- Genres of movie : Drama, Crime, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2003-11-21
- Companies of movie : This Is That Productions, Y Productions, Mediana Productions Filmgesellschaft,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 124 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.9
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,FR,IT,ES,HU,TR,PT,RU,PL,SV,CS,ZH,TH,NL,FI,SR,EL,DA,
- Cast of movie :Sean Penn (Paul Rivers), Naomi Watts (Cristina Peck), Benicio del Toro (Jack Jordan), Danny Huston (Michael), Carly Nahon (Cathy), Claire Pakis (Laura), Eddie Marsan (Reverend John), Melissa Leo (Marianne Jordan), Charlotte Gainsbourg (Mary Rivers), Clea DuVall (Claudia), Teresa Delgado (Gina), Denis O'Hare (Dr. Rothberg)
Movie synopsis of 21 Grams :
Full 21 Grams in HD Video with movie synopsis "This is the story of three gentle persons: Paul Rivers an ailing mathematician lovelessly married to an English émigré, Christina Peck, an upper-middle-class suburban housewife, happily married and mother of two little girls, and Jack Jordan, an ex-convict who has found in his Christian faith the strength to raise a family. They will be brought together by a terrible accident that will change their lives. By the final frame, none of them will be the same as they will learn harsh truths about love, faith, courage, desire and guilt, and how chance can change our worlds irretrievably, forever." in high quality. Full Length of 21 Grams in High Definition Format by push of the button above.
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... Full Length of 21 Grams in Best Quality 1080p ...
Director : Alejandro González Iñárritu, Screenplay : Guillermo Arriaga, Producer : Alejandro González Iñárritu, Producer : Robert Salerno, Original Music Composer : Gustavo Santaolalla, Producer : Guillermo Arriaga, Executive Producer : Ted Hope, Director of Photography : Rodrigo Prieto, Editor : Stephen Mirrione, Casting : Francine Maisler, Production Design : Brigitte Broch, Art Direction : Deborah Riley, Set Decoration : Meg Everist, Costume Design : Marlene Stewart
Sure, now you can view movie involving 21 Grams in full length and get the link to this motion picture 21 Grams in best video format.
Tags: life and death, transplantation, autounfall, suicide attempt, desperation, loss of family, ex-detainee, sadness, rage and hate,
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