Release Inside Man in Best Quality
Now you can watch full Inside Man in best quality with duration 129 Min and was published in 2006-03-24 and MPAA rating is 463.- Original Title : Inside Man
- Movie title in your country : Inside Man
- Year of movie : 2006
- Genres of movie : Crime, Drama, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2006-03-24
- Companies of movie : Imagine Entertainment, Universal Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English, shqip,
- Durationof movie : 129 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.9
- Youtube ID of movie : 1j3K7t_IONc
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,FR,IT,ZH,TR,FI,RU,HU,ES,PT,PL,NL,SV,CS,DA,EL,BG,HE,RO,
- Cast of movie :Denzel Washington (Detective Keith Frazier), Jodie Foster (Madeleine White), Clive Owen (Dalton Russell), Christopher Plummer (Arthur Case), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Detective Bill Mitchell), Carlos Andrés Gómez (Steve), Kim Director (Stevie), James Ransone (Steve-O), Bernie Rachelle (Chaim), Peter Gerety (Captain Coughlin), Victor Colicchio (Sergeant Collins), Cassandra Freeman (Sylvia), Peter Frechette (Peter Hammond), Waris Ahluwalia (Vikram Walia), Gerry Vichi (Herman Gluck), Rafael Osorio (Bank Guard#1), Rodney 'Bear' Jackson (Bank Guard#2), Willem Dafoe (Captain Darius), Daryl Mitchell (Mobile Command Officer Rourke), Ashlie Atkinson (Mobile Command Officer Berk), David Brown (Mobile Command Officer Carnow), Robert C. Kirk (Mobile Command Officer Borinsky), Frank Stellato (Mobile Command Detective), Ken Leung (Wing), Marcia Jean Kurtz (Miriam Douglas), Ed Onipede Blunt (Ray Robinson), Amir Ali Said (Brian Robinson), Lemon Andersen (Paul Guitierez), Samantha Ivers (Nancy Mann), Peter Kybart (Mayor), Jason Manuel Olazabal (ESU Officer Hernandez), Jeff Ward (ESU Officer Jesus), Anthony Mangano (ESU Officer), Michael Devine (ESU Officer), Ed Bogdanowicz (ESU Officer), Aaron Vexler (ESU Officer), Anthony Borowiec (ESU Officer), Joe Coots (ESU Officer), Lionel Pina (Cop with Pizzas), Ken Ferrigni (Redheaded Detective), Frank Hopf (Barricade Officer), Robert Testut (Barricade Officer), Craig M. Spitzer (Seth Greenblatt), Limary Agosto (Gladys Perez), Patrick Illig (Brad Stone), Frank Composto (Eric Dodge), Rozanne Sher (Hostage Woman), Rachel Black (Katherine), Gregory Dann (Case's Bodyguard), Ben Crowley (White's Assistant), Shon Gables (CBS News Reporter), Dominic Carter (NY1 News Anchor), Sandra Endo (NY1 News Reporter), Kandiss Edmundson (Madge), Al Palagonia (Kevin), Florina Petcu (Ilina), Agim Coma (Borova), John Speredakos (Officer Porcario), Baktash Zaher (Zahir), Ernest Rayford (Men's Club Attendant), Vincent DiMartino (Barber), Julian Niccolini (Four Seasons Maitre d'), Ed Crescimanni (Edwin), Brad Leland (Ronnie), Rashaad Ernesto Green (Matthew Jones (Hostage) (uncredited))
Movie plot of Inside Man :
Watch full Inside Man in HD Format with movie synopsis "An efficient gang enters a Manhattan bank, locks the doors, and takes hostages. They work deliberately, without haste. Detective Frazier is assigned to negotiate, but his mind is occupied with the corruption charges he is facing. With an army of police surrounding the bank, the thief, the cop, and the plutocrat's fixer enter high-stakes negotiations. Why are the robbers asking for a plane, if they are so competent and they know they won't get one? Why aren't they in more of a hurry?" in high definition format. Watch full Inside Man in HD Quality by clicking the button above.
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Director : Spike Lee, Author : Russell Gewirtz, Producer : Brian Grazer, Executive Producer : Karen Kehela, Executive Producer : Jon Kilik, Executive Producer : Kim Roth, Executive Producer : Daniel M. Rosenberg, Producer : Jonathan Filley, Original Music Composer : Terence Blanchard, Original Music Composer : A. R. Rahman, Director of Photography : Matthew Libatique, Editor : Barry Alexander Brown, Casting : Kim Coleman, Costume Design : Donna Berwick, Editor : Adam Erbacher
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